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All 127 Courses

Program Degree Teaching language Start date Tuition fee View Apply Mobile
Software Engineering Bachelor's degree English Sep 17000 View Apply Mobile
Automation Bachelor's degree English Sep 17000 View Apply Mobile
Radio-wave Propagation and Antenna Bachelor's degree English Sep 17000 View Apply Mobile
Electronic Information Science and Technology Bachelor's degree English Sep 17000 View Apply Mobile
Electronic Science and Technology Bachelor's degree English Sep 17000 View Apply Mobile
Network Engineering Bachelor's degree English Sep 17000 View Apply Mobile
Microelectronics Bachelor's degree English Sep 17000 View Apply Mobile
Optical Information Science and Technology Bachelor's degree English Sep 17000 View Apply Mobile
Integrated Circuits Design and Integrated System Bachelor's degree English Sep 17000 View Apply Mobile
Information Engineering Bachelor's degree English Sep 17000 View Apply Mobile
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